HEMAQ: 35 years powering the human factor

To celebrate HEMAQ's 35th anniversary, we talked with Mr. Benito Gritzewsky, founder of HEMAQ, about the company’s beginnings and goals, and how he sees the future of the project of which we are all part. Let's start at the beginning: what was the market like in 1988, when Mr. Gritzewsky founded HEMAQ. Towards the end of the eighties...


Success Story: Bombas Rodase

The manufacturer located in the Laguna region, BOMBAS RODASE, developed a sustained business thanks to the incorporation of state-of-the-art technology for turning, and now leads to the opportunities to come with the reconfiguration of North American manufacturing. Bombas Rodase is based in Torreon, Coahuila, opened operations for the first...


¡Conozca nuestro mecanismo de Pago!

¡Conozca nuestro mecanismo de Pago! Adaptar nuestra cultura corporativa a la realidad digital, la utilización de la tecnología como elemento de optimización y diferenciación, además de la innovación y evolución de la empresa han sido uno de nuestros principales motores e inspiración de nuestro día a día. Recordando que nuestra nueva imagen está diseñada para…


For special tools, special solutions

The automotive industry seeks to be lighter. This calls for lighter components and the increased use of metals such as aluminium. To accommodate these changes, machining cutting tools also change, but so do their manufacturing processes. Special tool manufacturer ELMEC is meeting these changes with the most flexible machining centers...
