Mill-Ex: the newest model from MODIG

Modig, the Swedish CNC Machine Tool manufacturer has now introduced its latest innovation: the 4-axis Mill-EX Machining Center. This new specialized machine offers aluminum extrusion machining capabilities with available configurations of 1, 2 or 4 individually driven spindles. In addition, it features 1.5G acceleration and high feed rates...

The real value of quality

The ability to be flexible and adapt to new market needs is not only a strategic issue, but a practical one. In particular, devoting time and attention to preparing for the future, investing in your business and your employees is one way to be forward-thinking. An uncertain economic or political environment can...

Taiwan: Innovation and Resilience

Taiwan has emerged as a key player on the global industrial stage and become a leading player in manufacturing technology. Its industrial potential is evidence of the innovation, resilience and adaptability of its workforce and equipment. One example of these capabilities is YCM Alliance,...